


该网络已经调整了集合的该区域,删除了红色和蓝色图形,并用蓝色和金色的图像代替它们,这些图像似乎可以与NBC的“ Dikiss 2008”图形软件包更好地集成。

还要注意的是:NBC的政治总监查克·托德(Chuck Todd)报道了Studio 3A阳台地点的报告,该地点以前用于Norah O’Donnell的退出民意调查数据报告地点。在超级星期二,NBC正在使用Studio 1A进行报告,如此YouTube剪辑所示:

Tonight, O’Donnell is using the virtual graphics area of the studio for her reports, though the system does seem to be giving her a bit of trouble since she’s pointing to graphics that aren’t really there.Elsewhere on the dial, CNN’s Campbell Brown is using the Election Center studio and making good use of the giant RP screens and attached newsroom area for panel interviews. Fox News Channel is again using the giant flat-panel monitor to present data, but it seems to lack some clarity over other presentation methods. However, Brit Hume isn’t reporting from the massive America’s Election HQ studio it used for Super Tuesday I; instead he’s reporting from the new Fox Report set with its massive video walls.



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